Saturday, November 30, 2013

An orange sun hangs from blue branches
shimmers across the dark avenue
snow puffs bleak pavement
sniffing rust

lovers come at me from great distances
quick hammers on velvet throats
chatter like three days of rain

the grey smudge you left
on my mouth
a whisper
on your way
to someone


reach your tongue into my astonishment
tug the string to see
if I’m still here as
I turn on the whiskey
pour some radio
crack a poem
or an egg

about you


You can listen to me read this poem at the following link

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You can hear trees breathing
the sap is sweet smelling
speckled with burning

wet is walking
the finger tapping rain
spilling streets
murmurs up from drains

sirens bring you back
lash you to a
rotten lampshade
sentences beginning with I
and ending with

bitch and


freighters drift on anchor chains
teeth broken in sour light
laugh death dark
deep in fir and redwood

beyond the streets
the soot of railways

You can listen to me read this poem on Sound Cloud click on the link

Saturday, November 23, 2013

You suck your whiskey
with a broken straw

as I paint the animals
and loosen up your screws

love spun away
won’t always come back

a green bottle in a blue cupboard
finds a willing
snarl of cloud

a spell
to make
a river

You can listen to me, reading this poem, on Sound Cloud...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Swaying    your praises      
wild for being slowed
smoothed up wind
the flow    forgetting us

the rain awake
with deafening light

a fall    of glimmering ash
as lips denounce
the ripe incense of my addiction
with candles as

the flame of noon lightens the ground
everywhere    settles changing water

You can listen to me read this poem if you click on the following link...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My first collection of poems, is now available at a bookstore in Calgary; 
Shelf Life Books.The book retails for $19.99 Canadian/American. It is also now available for borrowing, at the Calgary Public Library.

Ravens scream their loss
and start to laugh
summer never lasting


and takes a breath
tries handholds on slight hips
a fluid
sudden rush of light
weary as

the woman

as I sit here vanishing
lightning’s far-off tumblers click
as the rain loosens a shingle
I walk out with thunder




You can listen to me read this poem at...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

In the dark night of anyone
words drift toward the drains

spin past each other    
wooing the field
lighting a fire without threat of flame

in the ruins of mascara
even the docile
are finding it hard to sleep

there’s just too much out there
gnarled branches     
crabbed in cold black rain
hoping for the oceans of Portugal

as poems drizzle onto grey lawns
with the smoky sound of hollow streets
leaves dropping like stones

myself, clouded in the mirror
in a suit from someone else’s skin

away from the rain
under the wise green tree
spun careful from a reckless wood

your cool fingers
are the shapes we flow
the wet earth is
your vessel of flame

wary of the strangers in myself
in the rain tugged corners of your mouth

the last word sitting up     
long after I’ve gone to bed

let’s go out on a low note
fall into the bottom of the glass
nowhere is always there
if we run out of gas

You can listen to me reading the poem. Click on

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My first collection of poems, published by B House Books, is now available at three bookstores in Calgary; Owl’s Nest Books, Pages on Kensington, and Shelf Life Books.

If you are out of town, Owl’s Nest Books will take orders online. Here is the link.

Mailing charges apply. The books retails for $19.99 Canadian/American. It is also now available for borrowing, at the Calgary Public Library.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Whiskey is a slippery everything
quick with black shaking flame
a squirrel dashes up a curious tree
shaping the hurry of sudden wind

Why do I love espresso?
because I like the taste of chocolate

why do I love Sarah?
because she looks like Sally

when I do without
you can see, why it doesn't matter

We marry the kind look
the crumbling vision of perfect towns

the scream of hushed streets
jolly hills scolded in snow

the woods resigned to being trees
sparrows who have no inkling of the sky

You can listen to me read aloud this poem by going to this link